Organized by Quebec International and Quebec VITAE, the Quebec Health Industry Forum (FISQ) has always made innovation a central theme in each of its editions. Anyone who looks at the question sees that there are a multitude of definitions of innovation. Although it is difficult to find one that is unanimous, one element nonetheless generates consensus: to innovate is to create value.
With 14 years of experience, the FISQ is shared in the health industry in Quebec as the largest annual meeting of business development and knowledge between companies and the health network in Quebec. .
In the form of a webinar, local, international, public and private speakers will discuss the advancements and innovative measures of the life sciences and health technologies industry.
The FISQ therefore continues in its tradition to resemble people in the industry around important issues. He will also call on renowned experts in the health field to have a clear picture of the most recent developments and the possibilities that the future holds.
this event will be held in french only.