
Thursday May 05, 2022, 08:45 - 20:00
Friday May 06, 2022, 08:45 - 20:00
Saturday May 07, 2022, 08:45 - 20:00

The largest multidisciplinary conference on AI is coming up! Astronauts, physicists, mathematicians and also representatives of Canadian innovation: Luc Sirois, Rémi Quirion, FP Champagne. Time World is a privileged place to come and learn more about disciplines such as astrophysics, cryptography, cybersecurity, navigation systems, space exploration but also the Industry of the Future 4.0. Among others :

  • A round table with 6 astronauts: Joshua Bengio, Catherine Regis, Alexei Grinbaum, David Elbaz;
  • A second “How to make AI truly democratic? Catherine Wilhelmy, François William Croteau, François William Croteau, Loïc Kevin Kouatchet Ziemi;
  • As well as 6 other round tables on very interesting fields.

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