New COVID-19 bulletin board
We decided to use our LinkedIn group during the crisis to allow stakeholders in the life sciences and health technologies sector to share information and work together to find solutions. We invite you to publish your needs and offers.
Closing of companies and shops
On Monday, March 23, the Premier of Quebec ordered the closure of businesses whose services are not essential from Wednesday, March 25 until April 13. Note that tele-working and online commerce are permitted anytime for all businesses.
All companies producing inputs or raw materials necessary for priority services and activities must maintain their activities, accordingly, while considering public health directives.
The Government of Quebec considers services and activities of companies in life sciences and health technologies as essential.
Call for projects to fight COVID-19
- IVADO, the institute for data valorization, is calling for spontaneous proposals for those who can provide solutions to the challenges raised by COVID-19, especially using epidemiological or clinical data, or even through logistical approaches.
Call to all suppliers – Help Canada fighting Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) by providing certain necessary products and services.
More relevant information
- Update of support measures for Montréal city businesses:
- List of the most recent tax measures taken by the Canada Revenue Agency for the management of tax files as the situation evolves on COVID-19.
- Export Development Canada (EDC) supports Canadian companies by offering its products and services.
- The Government of Canada regularly updates several general information links for Canadian small- and medium-sized businesses.
- The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Quebec produced a guide to help employers, employees and the self-employed in Quebec find themselves among the various financial support measures (French only).