Job of the future

Health-focused artificial intelligence specialist

December 12, 2020
Duration: 02:50

The health-focused artificial intelligence (AI) specialist programs models/algorithms that accomplish tasks usually carried out by human being to process and analyze collected data. The AI specialist makes sure that the model is executable and deployable on a large scale in specific environments.

Main duties

1. Develop, enhance and modify software, computer programs and web platforms

2. Manage testing activities, debug and update the IT systems and software

3. Develop secure programs and web platforms in compliance with best practices in coding

4. Ensure technical support and training is provided to users

Academic training


Pre-university training

Computer science and Mathematics


Health science

Pure and applied science

Scientific French Baccalaureate


Technical training


Computer science technology technical training

Computer science technology technical training (networks and security)

Data management and research technics technical training

Technical training in a related field (IT, web programming)


Networks management and cyber security


Undergraduate studies

Bachelor of Bioinformatics

Bachelor of Biology and Mathematics

Bachelor of Computer science and Biology

Bachelor of Computer science

Bachelor of software engineering

Bachelor of Mathematics and Computer science


Graduate studies (An asset)

Master’s in Bioinformatics

Master’s in mathematics for intelligence and data management

Master’s in software engineering

Master’s in Computer science, specialization in artificial intelligence

Master’s in Computer science

Specialized graduate diploma in Bioinformatics

Specialized graduate diploma in Machine learning

Specialized graduate diploma in software engineering

Specialized graduate diploma in Computer science


Postgraduate studies (An asset)

Ph.D. in Bioinformatics

 Ph.D. in Computer Science

 Ph.D. in Cognitive Informatics

Continuous training

  • CONTINUUM: A qualifying training in data science

Hiring sub-sectors

Innovative Pharmaceuticals
Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs)
Contract Research Organizations (CRO)
Medical Technologies
Health IT / AI
Natural Health Products

Profile of required skills

Health-focused artificial intelligence specialist profile

  • Know how to program internal software
  • Be proficient in programming languages and tools
  • Develop and interpret software tests
  • Be proficient in AI algorithms and develop AI solutions
  • Know how to manage cybersecurity


  • Master best practices in coding (documentation)


  • Be proficient in project management concepts and tools (Agile approach)
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Take an interest in innovative technologies
Health-focused artificial intelligence specialist

Industry opportunities

Required profile

• Programmers with work experience
• May come from other industries
• Ability to code with LSHT standards

Prospects – Findings

• Very favourable outlook with the development of software to accompany the hardware
• Skilled in developing LSHT: User experience, AI, cybersecurity (data confidentiality)

Salary range
$70,000$ to $97,000