Offensive Transformation Numérique
On going
At both the provincial and federal levels, digital transformation of businesses, particularly SMEs, has been defined as a priority. However, for businesses in the LSHT sector, digital transformation can seem complex and costly. Entrepreneurs need a privileged interlocutor who understands their reality and can guide them towards the most appropriate resources.
Project description
Offensive Transformation Numérique is a project led by Montréal In Vivo, aiming to accelerate the digital transformation of life sciences and health technology businesses across Quebec, and thus promote their productivity. The program, aimed at SMEs and young companies, lasts for one year and is likely to be extended. It consists of 3 parts:
– SENSITIZATION of businesses to digital transformation and the technological tools that support it, through videos, podcasts, maps, and a dedicated web page;
– GUIDANCE by accompanying businesses through workshops with digital transformation experts;
– FINANCING, consisting of a bank of consultation hours with experts to implement digital transformation solutions in selected companies.